Jia Juanli

Painting is all pleasure for me

Jia Juanli is an artist who quickly established herself as a leading painter during the period of intense creativity in the Chinese artistic world at the end of the 20th century. She then chose to depict images of a timeless China, composed essentially of palace interiors, gardens, and delicate female figures. This enchanted world opens up to complex spaces and multiple depths, in which the painting itself presents a strong materiality and nuanced colors, adding substantial poetics to this dream-like universe. The meeting between an underlying drawing of great firmness and the oil technique of Western inspiration, combined with a mastery of passages and depths taken from traditional Chinese art, serves an exclusively feminine, idealized world. This world seems to contrast with the life in modern China and invites silence and peace of soul.

—— Pierre Paliard.
PHD Art History. Professor at Ecole Supérieure d‘Art d’Aix-en-Provence (original reference in French)






Jia Juanli

Jia Juanli is an artist who quickly established herself as a leading painter during the period of intense creativity in the Chinese artistic world at the end of the 20th century. She then chose to depict images of a timeless China, composed essentially of palace interiors, gardens, and delicate female figures. This enchanted world opens up to complex spaces and multiple depths, in which the painting itself presents a strong materiality and nuanced colors, adding substantial poetics to this dream-like universe. The meeting between an underlying drawing of great firmness and the oil technique of Western inspiration, combined with a mastery of passages and depths taken from traditional Chinese art, serves an exclusively feminine, idealized world. This world seems to contrast with the life in modern China and invites silence and peace of soul.

—— Pierre Paliard.
PHD Art History. Professor at Ecole Supérieure d‘Art d’Aix-en-Provence
(original reference in French)

Jia Juanli est une artiste qui s’est rapidement affirmée comme une peintre de premier plan dans la période d’intense créativité du milieu artistique chinois de la fin du XXe siècle. Elle choisit alors de donner des images d’une Chine intemporelle faites essentiellement d’intérieurs de palais, de jardins et de figures féminines délicates. Ce monde enchanté ouvre à des espaces complexes, des profondeurs multiples dans lesquelles la peinture elle-même présente une forte matérialité et des couleurs nuancées ajoutant une poétique substantielle à cet univers rêvé. La rencontre entre un dessin sous-jacent d’une grande fermeté et de la technique de l’huile d’inspiration occidentale avec une science des passages et des profondeurs reprise de l’art chinois traditionnel se met au service d’un monde exclusivement féminin, idéalisé, qui semble répondre aux défis de l’histoire récente de la Chine et inviter au silence et à la paix de l’âme.

—— Pierre Paliard.
Docteur en Historire de I’Art, Professeur a l’Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-Provence


艺术史博士,普罗旺斯艾克斯高等艺术学院教授 (原文为法语)